Hurry! Added 20% bonus through November 30!
Local businesses can benefit from up to $500,000 annually by qualifying for rebate funding through Indiana Michigan Power’s energy efficiency program – with an added 20% bonus that applies to prescriptive facility/equipment upgrades completed in the past 90 days. The added bonus ends November 30, 2023. Local businesses served by Indiana Michigan Power can leverage this bonus to complete facility upgrades quickly.
Steve Hollaway, Senior Market Outreach Specialist, tells Be Noble Inc. that he is happy to connect by phone, Microsoft Teams, or in person to fit an employer’s availability and discuss teaming up to support energy efficiency projects with free funding.
“There are no strings attached,” explains Hollaway. “There is no catch and no need for the expense of a grant writer. I will make it easy for all involved.”
While more specific guidance may be shared with customers once the scope of their project has been shared, the 2023 rebate application will get the rebate process started. Hollaway is happy to assist with completion of the application. The document lists prescriptive rebates to apply for within 90 days following installation of prescriptive measures to capture rebates for completed projects (totaling less than $20K in rebate value.)
Custom rebates are available for most anything not covered as prescriptive in the application form. Custom rebates apply to new construction, too. (“New construction” is not solely a new building or new addition; a major renovation and/or re-purposing of an existing space resulting from space reconfiguration, such as renovation/demo of existing offices to create a new classroom, is considered new construction.)
Documents needed for custom rebate pre-approval and payout of any rebate, as well as most upgrades, include:
- W9 for payee of rebate [Even tax-exempt entities must have a W9 in the rebate record to receive rebates].
- Recent I&M utility bill [If different meter(s)/account(s) power the upgrades, we need the bill(s) for the respective account(s)
- Quote for new equipment listing per unit price, model, quantities; Final invoice when project is completed.
- Quote for installation external labor cost, if applicable [Internal labor costs are ineligible/not applicable to submit], and final labor invoice when project is completed; if lift rental, material disposal/recycling, freight, tax expenses are incurred, those expenses can be included in quotes/invoices towards total project cost.
- Spec sheets for new equipment/material [Must be EnergyStar or DLC rated lighting equipment; minimum 16 SEER rated HVAC equipment; EnergyStar rated kitchen equipment].
- Completed rebate application per site address listing estimated project completion date; Application signed by customer with project completion date when project is completed.
- Listing of old equipment/material being removed if this cannot clearly be depicted as a prescriptive measure within the rebate application form.
- Annual hours of equipment operation (requested on page four of application form).
In application Part 3/page 15, yes or no if there is any air conditioning in the upgrade spaces is applicable to lighting projects only.
In application in Part 3/page 15, if the upgrade spaces are heated by gas, hot water, electric, solar or other heat type is applicable to lighting projects only.
COMcheck for new construction is likely available from architect or general contractor.